Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I've given up on the inside of our house looking nice any time soon and have decided to post some pictures of the outside instead. Eric spent a lot of time cleaning up our back "garden" (what we call yards here), and I can't wait until the weather warms up and we can get a table and some chairs out there.

Eric got his car yesterday and took his life into his hands driving it home while navigating. He had some problems finding his way back to work this morning, but I played navigation system on the laptop/cell phone at home. Sydney is a mess of windy one-way roads that look considerably less confusing on the map. Tomorrow he drives down to the plant for the first time -- it's over an hour on the train, so it should be a fairly long drive.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Mary, you're horse looks excellent--at least it looks like a horse!
How did you place?