Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Australian Father's Day!!

Today is Father's Day here in Australia, so Eric and I would both like to wish our fathers a wonderful day. In Australia, the traditional Father's Day gift is lollies (aka candy, a word Australians think is very funny).

Saturday brought the worst weather we've seen yet in Sydney. The rain was coming in sideways. After running about in the rain to procure some waterproof pants, we headed to the yacht squadron for our first race. Despite the fact that we'd wasted half the day getting ourselves attired and to the yacht sqaudron for the race, we were relieved to hear that it was canceled due to the downpour. We took advantage of the reprieve by practicing today, when the weather was fine (meaning nice in Australia; also, they say a "top of 16 degrees" instead of a "high of 16 degrees). I'd like to say that we made leaps and bounds of progress and now feel confident in our ability to sail to victory next weekend, but I'm afraid we're still a mess. We also had our first sight of the competition yesterday as we sat around the bar at the squadron after the race was called -- they had special sailing bags with their special sailing outfits!!! We have $30 waterproof pants...

On Saturday, Eric and I also took our first trip to the grocery store in the car. It was glorious. We bought the heaviest food we could find, reveling in the fact that we didn't have to carry it home on our backs. Eric's driving skills are improving every day. He just has to "think left."

Did you know that if someone does something stupid in Australia, he's called a pelican?


Sarah said...

I've just now gotten around to reading the whole blog at one sitting and want to know when the book is coming out ! Seriously, it's a finer piece of writing than you may realize !

If someone offers to 'knock you up', [s]he means 'wake you up'....

Love, Grandma Tye

Unknown said...

Sounds like you guys are having a wonderful adventure. Dan and I really need to come visit you. Keep on writing. Definitely cheaper than phone calls.